
The Start of my Natural Hair Journey

“I’m going natural” Those words are far more easier to say than to actually go through with.

It was so hard for me to give up the creamy crack. Being in college, it was much easier to slap a perm in my head than to spend endless nights trying not to break another comb. Those days, those days. It wasn’t until my last semester in college, i decided to take my hair journey seriously..and that was my THIRD time trying! One time I went 11 months without a perm, surviving on sew-ins and quick weaves. I can still remember, clear as day, the night I stayed in my friends bathroom for hours trying to straighten my transitioning hair. (Keep in mind, this is the 11th month) Detangling was a BEAST! After five hours, I had no teeth left in my combs leaving my head on 10,000 with a massive headache!!!!! When I finally finished, my hair was super frizzy. You could clearly see my line of demarcation; I had no earthly idea how to tame my mane. So, I got a little discouraged and the crack was back in action the next day.

About a year later, I made up my mind that I was going to do right. I claimed my last perm on April 19, 2014. I transitioned for a little over a year, constantly wearing weaves so I wouldn’t have to renege…and I didn’t have to! I clipped my permed ends off this past July. I must say it is much more manageable when those ends are gone! So far, I’ve been doing pretty good with my little TWA. I’m still in the process of trying different products to figure out which ones work best for my hair. It definitely takes time, but it’s worth it! Although now I have a totally different range of things to worry about, like shrinkage and “fleeky” curls, my hair is finally healthy and I LOVE IT!!

3 thoughts on “The Start of my Natural Hair Journey

  1. Personally, I wouldn’t recommend ever using a comb in 3c and tighter curls because…fro central. I swear by my denman brush – which I got from Sally’s for like $12 – and the awesome conditioner you have on hand that you absolutely love for detangling. Definitely start from the ends of your hair and patiently work your way to the root (your hair will thank you later). The longer my hair has grown, the more I’ve accepted that wide tooth combs, my hair, and I do not get along.

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  2. …and if you have $5 to invest towards a card and future purchase at Sally’s – if there is one in your area – it is so worth the discounts and coupons you can use on your everyday hair product purchases.

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